About Us

RAart Studio創始於2018年的南半球初夏,我們創作的出「小怪獸Rivi插畫」系列於悉尼的Raw Artist展出,從此開啟一場有趣的創業之旅。
其後,我們回流香港創業,恰逢Covid19受阻。於是我們決定推出「100幅香港街景水彩Home Kong」系列,希望於疫情之中,發現、珍惜及紀錄生活中的美。同時有幸得到各界朋友的欣賞,作為藝術品售予想要留住「Home Kong之美」的朋友。以畫寄思,將晝帶往海外,帶往世界各地。
RAart Studio was founded in the early summer of 2018 in Australia. The series of "Little Monster Rivi Illustrations" creations were exhibited at Raw-Artist in Sydney. This is the very beginning that we started our small business journey.  
Later, we moved back to Hong Kong when the Covid19 started. We were locked down, however, we decided to launch the "100 Hong Kong Streetscape Watercolor - Home Kong" series. We hope we could discover, cherish and record the beauty of Hong Kong during the epidemic. At the same time, we were happy that we sale our artworks as gifts to friends who want to retain the "beauty of Home Kong". They want to capture and bring the beauty and memories of Hong Kong when they settle down overseas. More and more commission orders showing my friends’s love and support.
Besides, starting from 2024, RAart.Studio keeps on our small business to consign products to local stores and creating more accessories products. We hope that we will continue to have your support and love to continue our small business journey.🙌🏻